
EFUN Nextbook Next5

Next book Efuns Next5 document should be read as a response to 
all future owners of the economic dream pills. The fact that the introductory price of $ 200, cheaper than most tablets and smaller than other sports seems appropriate for a perfect mix between the tablet and smartphone. Apparently, the device Next5 polishing. But as we all know, looks can be deceiving sometimes.

Design & Performance

I mean, no sarcasm intended - Next5 tablets next book in great demand. With a glossy black finish and three buttons for easy navigation, which are similar to those in the first look at Android devices versus standard - Start button, menu and back button - saving statement is effective minimalism and beauty than any other tablets twice the price. Then find and as his vision Next5 immediately.
Not that it seems like it would be very easy to start, but do not expect to achieve. The pill is an unusually large number of half an inch thick, but still surprised by its weight. This giant fool of 2.5 kilograms, which is almost twice the weight of the iPad, ASUS CPU and Motorola Xoom, more than double the cost Next5. I understand: sometimes make concessions to save money, but also to the hands and wrists after an hour of trying, say Next5 would like a book.


7-inch touch screen TFT LCD Next5 looks well and color 800 x 600 pixels for viewing HD videos to YouTube directly from the tablet or 2 GB internal memory with an ingenious experiment. Guarantees for the registration, the accuracy of only 7 inches and the bust of his feet measured diagonally from corner to corner - a screen size 3.5 x 6 inch shelf current, which is not bad.
With a width of about five inches full of pills, tablets, designers can do with stretching away to the size of the screen for about half an inch in any direction without a lot of people. There are a lot of unused spaces between the outer edges of the screen and the top of a license, but maybe the people in the design department was created for those of us taking our pills, such as the edges, because it supports our knees. Maybe it was not a problem, after all, but a conscious choice, a better fit because it allows the weight of the unit. In any case, the size of the screen is not a big problem Next5 compared with other topical issues.


The way I thought it was wrong, no doubt, that the praise they still come Next5 next book. I probably would have happened if, for example, he would never be pressed to check the performance.
First, it is sufficient to unlock the device is an incredible pain. How often have you laughing out loud in frustration trying to push your finger to open on the surface of the Android device? It was about five or six attempts at the point where I thought it was something wrong with the tablet. Therefore it was not. Only a touchscreen like the Nintendo DS, respond much better to simply use a pen drive (which is engraved with the bonus of the skin).
Very good - but often lose the enthusiasm for mobile devices when they told me I need to use objects that are foreign, like it should work. Scroll through the list or site was due to a bad reaction to a touch screen as a joke. Even with a pen, I mentioned sometimes the button to return more often than you think.

E-book reader

Next5 comes pre-installed with an electronic book reader with 25 free public domain books, but if you are looking for this pill as a substitute for a Kindle or a corner, in my opinion, depends on a dedicated e-reader. Shop and download books Next5, before you launch the application or library Kobo border.
The only thing is that books are not here, upload a built-in sync with the tablet in the e-book reader, may be forced to use separate applications for reading. You can easily read a variety of eBook formats (including PDF, ePub, TXT and RTF) e-book reader with the included USB cable, but still annoying, access platforms completely different things. "I Kobo limit / up, the application Kobo tend to make almost every time I tried to access the falls, for a total bust Next5 its ability to act as an eBook reader alone - even if the boundaries of separate The library is good.
In addition, there is no connection to easily switch between the character, as you can read something as simple as connecting to the next page it takes time to adjust. To page forward or back, you can use your finger across the screen, resulting in a graph showing the appearance of a page is turned mimics. It is much better than the annoying flash every step of a single page on the Amazon Kindle follows, but you must remember one thing - Next5 has an LCD screen while the Kindle eInk.
Other features
Next5 not the Google applications, but also a market for application slideMe 4.0 applications, but nothing of particular interest.
• Built-in operating system Android OS 2.1
• 2 GB hard drive with SD card slot expandable
• View online video will be preloaded on YouTube with a simple
• Media player for audio and video viewer, are simple, direct and intuitive
• HDMI port for connection to an HDTV Next5


I would really like Next5 and inspection of the first things looked promising. E 'is also ready to return to the weight just looking Next5 is to concentrate into the background, but ultimately will not be easy. Not many of the "balance" the budget Android tablet.
At the end I think it's no wonder I finally Next5 throw across the room in frustration as I just found the pathetic performance of the touch screen. My final verdict: If you do not mind using the stylus on the Android device to navigate, or if you have long nails, in particular, you can create and enjoy. But if you hope that at least something similar to the other tablets I've seen more expensive to make, think again.


• Stylish and attractive
• External speakers are good
• Decent battery life


• The lack of tactile feedback resistive
• incredibly heavy for its size
• Software is not compatible with the limits eBook 

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